How to be the Best! …The case for consistency


You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar

Let me tell you a secret… I’m not actually that great at anything! But, I did manage to get a PhD, write tons of academic papers, advise government, train academics, start successful businesses, scale up a manufacturing business and have been part of nearly 150 property deals.

Of course, none of that would have been possible alone and none of that would have been possible without consistency… I have consistently been great at seeking out people who know more than me, and are better than me, and then working out what I need to do to be successful… and doing that… consistently!

Being successful in life, it seems to me, is not about great leaps of genius but about consistent (often mundane) small steps and habits we can all do every day. Each of these steps are so easy, that they would be simple enough to skip entirely… waking up late once wont hurt right? Not going to my investment area this week wont hurt, right? Wrong!! These small things are the only things that matter. Being successful is the result of these small steps.

There are no secrets to success. No shortcut. Of course over night successes happen and you hear all the time about people who have just started out in business/property making a fortune seemingly over-night. For the majority of us that is just not going to happen! The secret is consistent grind. Nothing sexy, just getting up and showing up and doing what you say you are going to do, day after day, week after week!

Consistency isn’t the easiest way to success, but it is the most sure one.

You can build your consistency muscle, as believe me it’s not easy to be suddenly consistent. I had to. Start small and habit stack. For example:

1.   I always get up when I have decided to – I’m recently trialing a 4am start but generally I get up at 5am Mon-Fri

2.   I consistently go to the gym

3.   I consistently have the same process for checking in on emails and social media (by a certain time).

4.   I consistently view houses on the same day

5.   Run numbers on the same day

6.   Re-offer on houses the same day

7.   Book trains the same day etc etc.

Progress and success is also not linear… so expect to be grinding away thanklessly for some time! And also expect that some times you may actually feel like you are worse off than you were… keep going!!!

You may find it useful to share some of your routine on social media, in this way it holds you accountable and also has the added bonus of showing everyone how consistent you are (unexpectedly attracting angel finance and JV finance offers in DM!!).

Have a great day! And let me know what habits your going to stack consistently!

Ana ♡

Want to connect? Find me on insta @dranaattlee, or why not pop along to a meet up? If you think I can accelerate your journey to your goals get in touch or book a coaching session!