Just keep swimming...

"Just keep swimming" Dori, Finding Nemo

Yay! It's number crunching day! I have what feels like a gazillion properties to run numbers on and follow up on numbers so it's a bit of a rollercoaster day! Fingers crossed some deals work and get accepted πŸ€žπŸ˜†

I love property when things are going fast - deals being accepted, refurbs getting over the line, tenants moving in! At the moment things are on the go slow! Two HMOs have been in conveyancing for what seems like an age ... their solicitor is literally communicating by snail mail πŸ™„and three buy to let refurbs are also going really slowly! One that we'd hoped to be finished by today had a last minute electrical problem and the other one due to be finished today decided to spring a leak in the pipe inside the kitchen wall!! Gah! The third, due to be finished by the 17th looks nowhere near and the project manager 'let go' of the majority of the build team due to them being lazy πŸ˜‘

It's fair to say this moment in property feels like it's lasting an age! So grateful for Seedballs fast paced progress and excitement at the moment... another reason to have multiple businesses and streams of income πŸ€‘β€οΈ

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