Posts tagged goals
The ultimate guide: How to finally set New Year Goals that work!
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“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” —Pablo Picasso

It's NEW YEARS EVE! Literally one of my most favourite days of the year ⭐⭐ Time to sit down and set your goals and work out a plan!! It's been my tradition for the last 8-9 years that New Years Eve I review the goals set the year ahead and begin goal setting. I say begin, as, I used to set all goals in one night. Now, I've realised its not so realistic for me to do that... So, today I will make a start and the first week of the NEW YEAR I will continue to refine the high level goals I have set.

For me the most effective way to plan my year is to set high level goals first to cover different areas of life - ie. business, health, lifestyle, family. For example, covering how many properties I would like to buy, what profit level I would like to achieve, what friends I would like to visit and parties I would like to throw and when, how many holidays I would like and where, healthy habits I need to include, etc.

I then separate these goals into what needs to be done each quarter. To improve motivation and to give space to add in goals as they come up I front load my year, aiming to achieve most goals before quarter 4. I then laser focus on a quarter at a time... breaking each quarter into 20 day sprints. This gives roughly a 10 day spill over period if things go a little astray. Building flexibility into the model.

I then set a habit of sitting down each Sunday to do a high level plan of the week ahead, looking in depth at what needs to be done in each day. I then plan each day as part of my Miracle Morning routine by splitting the day into 1 hour slots - usually giving 45mins to do a task and 15min break...

So, if you're a bit stuck or overwhelmed in goal setting. Try the above as a method to get you on your way. This approach really helps you react with flexibility as the year goes on while still keeping your high level goals in sight!

I hope you have an amazing day! Do you do have goal setting tips and tricks? I’d love to know! Drop me a comment below…

Ana ♡

Want to connect? Find me on insta @dr.anaattlee, or why not pop along to a meet up? If you think I can accelerate your journey to your goals get in touch or book a coaching session!