Posts tagged morning routine
10 morning affirmations for kick ass mindset!

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha

As an academic (from environmental sciences) affirmations were not such a stretch for me… why? Well, as part of my PhD I studied a bit about what makes people volunteer for conservation and make a HUGE difference to the cause… and later I followed up with research that looked into how impacts could create real world impact. This in turn ended up with me (and my colleague) actually advising universities and governments across the globe on creating impact in a company that has now spun out and is run by Prof. Mark Reed - - check it out for awesomeness 💻🎯📈. The answer resoundingly showed that those that thought they could have a massive impact and do the things they were doing were the ones that actually did have impact. I was convinced - the evidence to me was clear, “whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right”(said by Henry Ford). I mean, that is amazing all you need to do to change your life, or do something amazing is just believe you can! AFFIRMATIONS are the way! Well… for me anyway!! Sceptical? Try it!! What on earth have you to lose? But do try it properly and fully! Give yourself a 30 day challenge - start the day every day from this minute with affirmations - either the video I have included above or your own affirmations (I’ve given my ten below to get you started)…

Above is a video that I played daily when I began my property journey … and sometimes more than daily! So if you’re new to affirmations I suggest starting out with watching/listening to this video or something similar to help train your mind to visualise what you want to achieve.

As you progress you may want to create your own affirmations, to create personal affirmations take the following steps:

  1. Identify your negative self-talk and beliefs.

  2. Create affirmations out of those beliefs.

  3. Begin using the new affirmations.

  4. See the “magic” gradually unfold.

Over the last few months I’ve been on quite an affirmation kick . I’ve truly had so much going on, so needed to depend on the power of a healthy mind now more than ever to stay focused, optimistic, and filled with energy.

Below are the affirmations that I found really work for me! They form part of my miracle morning routine. I find that taking 5-10 mins in the quiet with a cup of coffee (optional coffee) to really feel them makes such a huge difference to the way my day goes! I do hope they have a similar impact for you!

– I am so grateful for this day

– I am so grateful for the family and friends in my life

– I am going to make this day the best day of my life

– I am able to achieve anything I want

- I live to my full potential

- I deserve success because I give so much value to the world

- I think big and dream big without reservation.

- I am making the world a better place by being a positive, powerful influence

- I am grateful for my financial success

- Today I will live this day as if it is my last day on the planet!

I hope you have an amazing day! Do you do affirmations? Are there any affirmations you find particularly powerful? I’d love to know! Drop me a comment below…

Ana ♡

Want to connect? Find me on insta @dr.anaattlee, or why not pop along to a meet up? If you think I can accelerate your journey to your goals get in touch or book a coaching session!