How to finally grow your comfort zone!


“A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.” Albert Einstein

I get it! Stepping out of our comfort zones is exactly that - uncomfortable! The great thing is, you can make small steps out of your comfort zone and grow your confidence in risk taking slowly. I remember four years ago my comfort zone stretching challenges were literally to ask someone something in the day (could be the time of day or directions) also to answer my phone even when it's an unknown caller (eek!) and to open a door (ha! Yep... I literally would wait and watch for others to push or pull the door first before I would go through 😂🙈). It's fair to say my comfort zone is waaaaaaay beyond any of the issues I had when I began this daily practice!

Stepping outside of your comfort zone on daily basis can massively change your life and is essential if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. So ask yourself this: "What would my life be like if every day I did something that made me afraid." Now what about trying it? Here's a 7 day challenge for you! Every morning write down a challenge for yourself - nothing too huge, just a tiny risk and go and do that one thing! Here are a few ideas to start with: - Ask a stranger the time of day/directions

- Go somewhere new - Ask for something you probably wont receive - a discount on coffee or a free coffee if you're at Pret

- Let the world know your biggest goals

Then, check in with yourself each day after the challenge and at the end of the 7 days... if you're like me you'll have such an insight into what personal growth can happen via tiny tasks of risk that you'll keep the challenge going for years!

Have a fab day! See you at the top 👆😆

Ana ♡

Want to connect? Find me on insta @dr.anaattlee, or why not pop along to a meet up? If you think I can accelerate your journey to your goals get in touch or book a coaching session!

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